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The Vampire Connection: Your Anne Rice Link Directory.

Welcome to the new and improved Vampire Connection. This is *the* place for you to find Ricean sites. Please add your own link! The old database is not lost and I will update all the links that were in the Connection. If your're faster, fine! Please check whether your link's here, otherwise resubmit! This site is currently in beta mode, so mail me all problems you experience! If you are looking for the banner exchange, go here.

Anne Rice (14)
Everything on Anne Rice
Articles (15)
Single novel reviews and articles on Anne Rice from various sources.
Characters (40) new
Info on all the most important VC characters, including pairings.
Foreign Sites (10)
Sites in other languages than English.
Misc (83)
For all Ricean sites that don't fit other categories.
Novels (10)
For websites which are for a special novel of the Vampire Chronicles
Roleplaying (12) new
Resources and Roleplaying Communities.
Screen (4)
The category for websites on the films "Interview with the Vampire" and "Queen of the Damned".
Specs (3)
Specs aka Fanfiction on the characters and novels of the Vampire Chronicles

There are 191 links for you to choose from!

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Pages Updated On: 4-Mar-2006 - 03:27:09 | Links Engine 2.0 By: Gossamer Threads Inc. | Design by dieBlen.de
The Vampire Connection © Waking-Vision.com, online since 2000.
Contact: Michelle