- The Lestathenaeum
- A site for the veneration and appreciation of AR's Lestat. Here you'll find pics, links, quotes, specs, poetry, vital info, and even philosophical musings, all pertaining to Lestat de Lioncourt.
(Added: 19-May-2003 Hits: 1576 Rating: 10.00
Votes: 3) Rate It
- Behind the Reflection
- Lelio & Flaminia play. Lestat's random thoughts. Album photo. Music.
(Added: 19-May-2003 Hits: 549 Rating: 6.50
Votes: 4) Rate It
- Fallen from Grace
- Although this is a website dedicated to the vampire lestat, it does include the other characters. Also includes fiction,poems,gallery, and much much more!
(Added: 19-May-2003 Hits: 708 Rating: 1.00
Votes: 1) Rate It
- Le Jardin Sauvage de Lestat de Lioncourt
- Lestat's Savage Garden: his mortal life, his vampire condition, New Orleans, Interview with a Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Scripts...These pages are in English and in French.
(Added: 19-May-2003 Hits: 576 Rating: 9.00
Votes: 1) Rate It
- Requeim Du Wolfkiller
- Anne Rice site mostly about Lestat with pictures, a BBS, poems, and more! :D
(Added: 19-May-2003 Hits: 266 Rating: 3.00
Votes: 1) Rate It
- The Witches' Place
- Lestat's journal entries about the love it took him a lifetime to find.
(Added: 16-Mar-2005 Hits: 187 Rating: 9.00
Votes: 1) Rate It
- Windows to the Soul
- Home of Lestat de Lioncourt, of Eternal Darkness.
(Added: 19-May-2003 Hits: 489 Rating: 1.00
Votes: 2) Rate It